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UK Gift Occasions for the World

UK Gift Occasions for the World
What are the most Important Gift Occasions for a Gift Basket Company in the UK. Are Congratulations Gift Occasions vital, are Thank You Gifts integral? We put forward the notion that it is a 3rd General Gift Event, which is the dominant factor.
We argue that in the UK there are 3 big Gift giving occasions which are more important than the more popularly thought of gift occasions. These are Thank-You Gifts, Congratulations Gifts and a 3rd General Uncategorizable occasion.
We set out to identify & name the gift occasions in the year which,
1) Are not seasonal holidays such as Easter,
2) Are not easily personalisable and segmented such as Birthday.
These are simply the general times throughout the year when the population of the UK and beyond may need or want to send a gift.
Congratulations Gifts & Thank You Gifts are two of the most popular types of gifts to send throughout the year, but the other occasions will undoubtedly come as a bit of a surprise to us all. Whilst many people will typically be able to rhyhme off a long list of other occasions when you might want to send Gift Baskets or Hampers, not very many of them will correctly be able to identify the most popular reasons why the people of the world elect to send a gift to each other in the UK or to the UK from abroad.
The answer is surprising, but once you identify it, it just sounds so obvious that you kick yourselves for not having thought of it. In fact it’s so general and simple, but you won’t even see it on any metric, so you cannot look it up. It’s a mystery, just like this mystery gift basket order from last month.
(Mystery Gift Basket being packed)
We are not even going to reveal the answer at this stage. We can't, it's more complicated than a simple teasing question. There is a very real message and a very important understanding to take out of the question, which we are going to review over the next short period of time. You could even go so far as to suggest that the fate of humanity maybe rests a little bit on understanding the phenomenon. After all it is our human nuances and our humanity to one another, which is so unimaginable to the AI algorythms which tend to dominate our modern lives.
Thank You Gifts UK
Thank You Gifts is a really obvious occasion, but beyond the simple pricing/cost way of differentiation, what other ways are there for product creation and development?
There are lots of Thank You Gifts available to purchase in the UK and there are literally tons of reasons why you would want to send a Thank You Gift, but there is no literal Thank You Shop for everything in the world, which is branded with a Thank-You message. If there was then they would be the top ranking company in the world for delivering Thank You Gifts. Instead most people content themselves with buying a generic product such as Chocolates, Flowers or a Bottle of Wine and delivering them in person. However what happens when you can't or maybe even you don't want to deliver the Thank You Gift personally. What happens when you want to send more than just one item, what happens when you don't have time or what happens when you want it to be special or something different. This is when you "Google it"
(Thank You Gift Messaged Basket)
Congratulations Gifts
In exactly the same way as above with Thank You Gifts, the procurement of Congratulations Gifts in the UK or anywhere else in the world is as difficult or as easy as you wish to make it. The same applies to us as the creator of Congratulations Gifts in the UK just as much as it applies to the shopper seeking the "Right Gift" to send.
(Congratulations Gifts being Designed)
There are plenty of Congratulations Gifts to buy in the UK and there are a multitude of reasons why you would want to send a Congratulations Gift. Once again, however, there is no single Congratulations Store for everything in the world, brandable with that Congratulations message. If there was then they would be the top ranking company in the world for delivering Congratulations Gifts. The majority of people will buy a box of Chocolate's, a vouchers perhaps or a Balloon, some Flowers or a Bottle of Fizz and deliver them personally.
Yet not all of the people whom we wish to send Congratulations Wishes are in the same nation or region let alone locality. How can we send a Congratulations Gift intelligently without waiting until the next time of meeting up? What happens when you want to send more than just one item as a Congratulations Gift? And similarly to Thank You how do you address the issue of time to procure or what happens when you want your Congratulations Gift to be distinctive or something unusual. Once again this is when you "Google it"
General Gifts
This is where it starts to get a little bit more interesting. How general is general and all of a sudden ideas far from being your friends become your opponents.
You see conventional wisdom dictates that we must create products people want to buy, but that can be a rather industrial era way of thinking, perhaps not so fitting for the modern era when ideas and services are being monetised. So if we are going to create personalised gifts for humans, exactly how specific and personalised do we make the Gifts and should we even just stop with humans? Much as we love the concept of making Doggy Gift Basket's for example, we will never actually design one. (The picture incidentally is his delivery box from his Mummy bought through Amazon)
(Personalised UK Gift Baskets - how human do you make them?)
Summary UK Gifts & Occasions for the World
So when all is said and done the most important occasions for humans throughout the year are the 3 types outlined in this post. Thank You Gifts, Congratulations Gifts and the Unknown Gifts.
That leaves a vast array of other occasions including Easter Gifts, Birthday Gifts, Christmas Hampers, but each of these can be examined in their own post as each one has its own unique set of characteristics. Over the forthcoming months leading into years, we will attempt to prove this point with our gift creations which will delivered across the UK on your behalf. It is the "Unknown UK Gift" that we want to focus on. This is what drives development, this is what inspires innovation, this is what makes our UK Gift Designs the best and why buyers should seriously consider using a small family business for their Gift Sending needs in the UK above much larger businesses.