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"Refreshing" Birthday Gift Baskets

As well as creating lots of lovely new Gift Baskets lately, we've also been busy refreshing some of your "old favourites", and one popular category we decided to focus on is Birthday Gift Baskets. (Click here for our full range.) It is also Selina's Birthday today, so Happy Birthday Mum/Nanny!Birthday Gift Baskets are just fabulous as they can be anything you want them to be really, depending on what the Birthday Boy or Birthday Girl appreciates. We try to theme them with a birthday cake, birthday card, birthday balloon or age mug etc, but for the rest of the contents anything goes really. They may have a sweet tooth, be a cheese lover or prefer some pampering goodies.Some of our Birthday Gift Baskets have been around, in name at least, for many years. However, the Baskets themselves are likely to have been refreshed at least 2-3 times during their lifetime.So what do we mean by "refreshing" a Gift Basket? This involves taking a shiny new photo, either because product packaging has been updated and so we need to reflect this or because we have replaced some products with exciting new ones to keep things fresh for our repeat customers.Originally appearing in 2010, our Birthday Favourites Gift Basket went through a few product replacements (namely the cake changing from the original sponge one, to a chocolate fudge one, to a chocolate biscuit celebration one) and then was completely refreshed in 2018.
2018This refresh didn't involve any major changes, as the product combination of fresh fruit, chocolates, a birthday cake, birthday balloon and birthday card was proving popular. So why fix what isn't broken, except to make it even better!We did however change supplier of birthday cakes to these cute mini cakes, changed the traditional shortbread to toffee waffles and the chocolate bar to crisps. The fresh fruit of apples, grapes and oranges and the Lindt Chocolate Truffle Coronet remained and the birthday balloon and card have just been updated to a 2018 design.We think it is looking fresh & fabulous if we do say so ourselves, and we hope it continues to be a hit with our lovely Customers.Remember, this is just one example of our Birthday Gift Baskets. We have many more to choose from, and our new website allows you to filter these by the recipient and the product so finding the perfect one has never been easier.