Yes today is my birthday & I've had this tune in my head all day courtesy of my son's favourite channel - Baby TV!I've stopped counting the number of candles on my cakes since hitting the big 3-0, but you're never too old to celebrate. Tuesday also happens to be my day off work, so I got to spend the day with Rowan in the sun, yey. I can never truly escape the office though & popped in for some birthday cake and to write a quick blog!We have a list of staff birthdays up in the office & I noticed we have 3 birthdays in June, so June is the most popular birth month amongst us.At BasketsGalore we sell plenty of birthday gift baskets all year round, so it made me wonder which month in general has the most birthdays.I took to Google to do a bit of research & discovered that September is apparently the most popular birth month by far. Some researchers suggest this is because conception would be around the party season time - December/January!Rowan was due at the end of September but then didn't appear until October, so he would have added to these statistics had he been on time. My cousin is also expecting this September and my husband's cousin's girlfriend, so this also supports the September popularity theory!Further research showed that July, August & September are all equally popular months, as conception would be in the cooler Autumn and Winter months when people are spending more time indoors!I'm sure if we had the proper statistics they would probably show that most months are fairly similar in birth rate, but it's fun to try & spot a trend!If I had to pick any of our gift baskets as a birthday present I think my current favourite is the new  "Candy Crush" gift basket. Full of wonderful summery, sweet treats I would really enjoy nibbling my way through all these goodies on a warm June evening.candy_crush1000. Candy Crush Gift Basket