Hands up who suffers from hayfever.If your hands are up, then rest assured, you are not alone in your suffering.Everybody in our office suffers hayfever to some degree. We have those who only get the sniffles when it’s extra sunny and the pollen count is higher, then we have me who seemingly suffers it all year long – yes, even winter; I don’t know how either. It got so bad once when I was young that my parents dragged me in for a hospital allergy test. I’m not sure if the same test is done any more or if the ranking system is a bit different now but back then (my, I feel old) it was on a scale of 1-6 and pollen ranked a very solid four, almost five for me.hayfeverWhich is why when we have a large stock of flowers in for our baskets, I give them a wide berth when I’m heading towards the loo via the warehouse. Thankfully, the warehouse team seems fairly, if not completely, hayfever free or else they would have a hard time putting together all the fruit and flower baskets we have.Flowers & TreatsAren't they pretty? Click the pictures to be directed to each basket's page. I hope whoever receives these lovely gift baskets don't have the same allergy problems I have.