Introducing to our Create Your Own website, some fabulous new Knitting and Sewing Kits which come complete in their own handy tube. These are a new product from the Crafty Kit Company who have been working with award winning creators of the 'Gifts in a Tin' range - Apples to Pears. You may remember the mini 'Birthday Party in a Tin' and miniature 'Train Set in a Tin', also by Apples to Pears which have proved very popular since they were introduced to our range some time ago.The Crafty Kits are available in sewing, knitting and crocheting varieties and so we had a vote on our Facebook & Twitter pages to see which type our customers/recipients would prefer to see in our Get Well Gift Baskets. Sewing came out on top, closely followed by knitting with most people suggesting crocheting might be the hardest to master, especially if someone is feeling unwell.The Knitting Kits we selected contain everything you need to complete two adorable teddies- super quality machine washable yarn, knitting needles, buttons and trimmings and full instructions. The Sewing Kits we selected contain paper templates, not pre-cut pieces, fabric, sewing needles, thread, stuffing and cute owl trimmings and are a great way to introduce traditional sewing skills to a new generation of crafters.Each kit is attractively packaged in a sturdy recycled cardboard tube.  We feel that these would be an ideal gift for someone who is feeling poorly or maybe in hospital, as they are easily portable.  They are also the ideal project for a granny to share with her grandchildren and I can personally relate to this - which one will I do first?Crafty Kit Company Photo Source: Apple To Pears