Now I'm allowed my extra 200 calories a day I find myself getting a tad peckish in between meals & have to resist the temptation to eat chocolate! All the lovely hampers being dispatched today also put me in the notion for cheese!First up we have a selection of our Gourmet Hampers, featuring 'Gourmet Cheese & Wine' as a late Father's Day gift and 'Gourmet Delight' as a best of luck for the baby arriving gift. There was also a 'Gourmet Pathway' going as a late Congratulations on the new arrival gift, some spoiling for the parents rather than baby for a change.Gourmet basketsAnother baby related gift hamper next, but not full of baby related items. We've noticed these parental sustenance gifts have become increasingly popular, although baby gift baskets are still firm favourites too. This Great Taste Award Silver hamper going to Hayward's Heath was accompanied by a witty message about the new baby not appreciating a basket of baby things or food & drink yet (for another 16, sorry 18 years) and so this Uncle had decided to spoil mum & dad instead.GTA Silver Gourmande Irlandais is a firm favourite amongst our customers and this one was ordered for an Uncle in Portadown's 80th birthday treat. You'll see the addition of our new message ribbons decorating the outside of the hamper in this case.