A busy Monday in the BG warehouse as usual, with the main theme of Easter coming to the forefront. The local kids here are now off for the Easter holidays and what a great start to them & Spring with a bit of sunshine.I noticed one lady in Ireland ordering quite a few gifts, but I wasn't sure what the occasion was as they were going to Romania and so the message was in Romanian. Thank goodness for Google translate eh, as a quick copy and paste job soon told me that they were Easter gifts. Here are 2 of the lovely hampers she selected, Artisan Deli and Gourmande Irlandais.Continuing on the Easter theme, I spotted another 2 hampers from our Artisan range being sent as Easter gifts. The first pictured is Artisan Twin Scran being sent by a mum & dad in Southbury, USA and the second pictured is our Artisan Fayre Duo being sent by a mum & dad in Ontario, Canada. They are both gifts for their daughter and son-in-law in Uxbridge and Glasgow to wish them a Happy Easter and Wonderful Spring/holiday in Ireland. Finally, in a break from Easter gifts this lovely Great Taste Award Chilled Bronze hamper was  being sent as a 74th birthday present for a mum in Yarmouth, from her family in Kissimmee, USA.GTA Chilled Bronze