It's always difficult to get a right presents for men. We have loads of ideas here in Baskets Galore and today I want to talk a little about our hobby baskets.We have received an order this week from Marian, she ordered two baskets to her boyfriend's birthday. So she ordered our popular Cheesy Sunshine basket and Footballing Flair.We looked at this order and thought surely Stephen doesn't need two little baskets, we decided that it's better to make one beautiful big basket instead of sending him two smaller ones.  After basket has been made up by Kasia, we took a quick picture of the basket and sent it to Marian - she was delighted with the idea and loved combined basket.Cheesy Sunshine & Footballing Flair combined Cheesy Sunshine & Footballing Flair combinedIf your birthday men is not into football that much then he might like Golf or Rugby or maybe he enjoys fishing.