A few weeks ago, I was invited to a baby shower which had been in planning for at least 2 months. Unfortunately, I could make it because my sister was down with a skin virus that could be dangerous to new babies and their mummies, so our entire family had to stay at home and pretend we're attending by the constant photo updates that's exploding on our social network accounts.We made sure our gifts got there though! We all went a little nutty buying a new baby clothes for the new mummy and the resulting present was a bit less graceful, and a bit more 'we can control our impulse to buy all things cute that are in the sale section' look ie. it was a plastic bag and a bit jumbled looking. The new mummy didn't mind at all, but for those of your who are looking for something with a bit more elegance in the packaging, have you considered a baby basket?New Mother Survival is one of our bestselling baby baskets of all time. It contains a magazine for mummies to get some reading time in, a luscious congratulations candle, a sweet hedgehog toy for junior, and pamper items for mummy to chillax with.It also contains a handcrafted wooden birth certificate holder for you to keep all important birth certificates in - very important is you don't want to end up like my mum and having to scratch her head and rummage around when we need ours for anything.Congratulations on the new arrival, Lucy (Sittingbourne, UK)