I chuckled when I noticed today was National Middle Child Day, as I am of course a middle child. Well actually my sister Lynne & I are both middle children as we have an older and younger brother, so does that still count? I asked around the office & warehouse and we have mainly middle children working here, a couple of eldest children and only 1 youngest child.Interestingly research shows that middle children tend to have a certain type of personality, influenced by birth order and so perhaps you need a middle child personality to work at BasketsGalore!Our mum also works here and had recently brought in a photo of us, her 3 eldest children, the BasketsGalore Directors. Our youngest brother escaped the clutches of BG and is living in Australia! So here we are as children, and now as adults who work together. We haven't changed a bit eh?! Maybe just a few more grey hairs and stress wrinkles from running BG!National Middle Child Day So are you a middle child yourself or a parent with a 'middle' child?Do you agree with these personality traits? Middle children are meant to be:People Pleasers Somewhat Rebellious Good Peacemakers/Negotiators Understanding Co-operative Flexible Competitive, but Fair Thrive on Friendships Have a Large Social Circle (to gain more attention)However, people joke that middle children are often overlooked, with the eldest and youngest children being the favourites. We couldn't possibly comment on mum's blue-eyed boys now could we Lynne?