Hear someone mention 'Summer Fruits' and you typically think of mixed berries such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants. However, summer berries can also include loganberries, bilberries and boysenberries.berriesI had heard of the all the usual suspects listed above and also of loganberries, but bilberries and boysenberries were a mystery to me. Perhaps to you too, but fear not the mystery is now revealed!To my untrained eye they simply look like raspberries, blueberries and blackcurrants, but they are in fact all different species. A loganberry is a hybrid of a raspberry and blackberry and a bilberry is closely related to a blueberry, but is in fact darker in colour & native to Europe rather than North America. A boysenberry is a real mixture as it's a cross between a raspberry, blackberry, dewberry and loganberry. Phew, I'm glad we cleared that up.At the minute we offer blueberries in our fruit baskets and we wanted to canvas opinion on other berries we could also include. We had previously ruled out strawberries & raspberries as they are quite soft and so tend to become a bit squashed in transit. We don't want to risk your special recipient receiving anything less than perfect fruit.Do you have any suggestions for a slightly more hardy berry we could include in our fresh fruit baskets during the summer months?