Shrove Tuesday is upon us, thankfully the first sign that spring is coming is here. So what is it all about why do you spend the day eating pancakes? Lent is a time of abstinence, so it has been tradition to have one last chance to indulge yourself, traditionally pancakes would have been made to use up the food not allowed during this period, which included fat, butter & eggs.Now it seems that we go out of our way to purchase the ingredients to make pancakes (that is the fun of it, attempting to make edible pancakes while also trying to minimise how many fall on the floor), or buying shop bought pancakes. Though, the real question on everyone's lips is: What topping would you like on your pancake or crepe (depending how well they have turned out)?Whether you are into healthy or sweet toppings we have a great selection, there should be 1 to suit everyone's taste. All these products can be found on our Create Your Own Gift Basket site. Comment below if we have missed out your favourite topping!