Our lovely colleague Slywia is currently off on maternity, her baby was due on January 7th. What a great way to start the New Year than with a new born baby. Though, Slywia's baby is not quite ready yet so she is patiently awaiting on it's arrival. Slywia has been keeping the gender a secret, so it will be a big surprise to everyone when the baby is born.  This has got me thinking of all the old wife's tales about how to tell the gender of your baby. Read on if you are pregnant and would like some tips on how you can tell the gender of your baby. (Disclaimer: These are not scientific facts they are just fun ways to try and guess the gender of your baby.)Signs you are having a boy...
  • If you are carrying your bump low
  • If your baby's heartbeat is under 140 heartbeats
  • If you are getting salty and sour cravings
  • Place a key in front of a pregnant women and if they pick up the round end its a boy
  • Tie a ring to a bit of string and hang it over the belly, if it spins in circles its a boy
  • Little or no morning sickness
  • If your feet becomes cold quicker than before you were pregnant
  • If your skin becomes dry
  • If you are getting more headaches than usual
  • If you walk with your right foot first
Signs you are having a girl...
  • If you are carrying your bump high
  • If your baby's heartbeat is over 140 heartbeats
  • If you are getting sweet cravings
  • Place a key in front of a pregnant women and if they pick up the narrow end its a girl
  • Tie a ring to a bit of string and hang it over the belly, if it moves back and forth its a girl
  • If you are breaking out with more spots than usual
  • If you are more moody than usual
  • If you walk with your left foot first
  • If Daddy puts on more weight during the pregnancy
I also found an interesting Chinese Birth Gender Chart which can tell the gender of your baby depending on the age and month of conception. Comment below if it was right for you even if you had already had your child.If you have anymore tips or signs on how to tell the gender of an unborn baby, comment them below.