Can you believe it, but my lovely little Rowan is now a big 10 months old!He is coming on in leaps and bounds and now loves nothing better than crawling, cruising around all the furniture and pushing his little trucky, as this means he can get from room to room with ease.This makes me an extremely happy & proud mummy, but also a slightly stressed mummy at times due to all the mischief he can now get up to!At 7 months he could only crawl slightly forward to reach a toy and by 8 months he had started to move further and more quickly. By 9 months he could crawl at the speed of light, haul himself up using various bits of furniture (or my legs) and took his first steps behind his little truck. He loves to try to open all the cupboards & drawers or simply grab ornaments or place his sticky hands on the TV. So baby-proofing in our house has had to step up another level to keep this little rascal safe, and mummy and daddy sane.My Top 5 Tips For Once Your Baby Can Crawl1) Baby-proof everything using cupboard & drawer latches, stair gates, door stops, fireguards etc and make sure everything is out of reach (cutlery, hair straighteners, ornaments etc) & all furniture is secured so they cannot pull it down on themselves. You know the drill, and if not there are plenty of checklists like this one to help you out. A playpen is also a great piece of kit as you can place baby into it and know they will be safe. Unless of course they work out how to break free (Rowan managed this the other day, but to be fair I don't think the lock was properly shut!) If you've no room for a playpen, some friends of mine use a travel cot or a walker for short periods of time, so long as the room is all one level.2) Mr Bump & Arnica Cream - yes that's right they are going to bump and bruise themselves. The first time this happens you feel incredibly guilty and wonder if you could have prevented it. After about the tenth time you realise it's something you're just going to have to get used to. Baby proofing should of course prevent anything major happening, but they can still tumble or bump or collide so just be there with a big hug & kiss, a cold press and Arnica to limit any bruising.Rowan bump3) Distraction - always have plenty of toys & books available to use as a distraction from the stuff they really want, but can't have. Or find safe "non-toys" to keep them amused (under supervision of course). Rowan is quite into empty boxes and tubs and unfortunately the TV remote.rowan crawling4) Baby wipes and bath stuff - now they can crawl they tend to get a bit more grubby and so need a good clean at various stages throughout the day. Baby skin has toughened up a bit by now but is still delicate, and so I still love to use Earth Friendly Baby products on Rowan, as seen in our baby gift baskets.5) Grow eyes in the back of your head - pretty self explanatory :) but the only way to ensure nothing ever goes wrong. Failing this - take a deep breathe and do your best. I haven't managed the extra eyes myself hence why I've experienced the bathroom being tee-peed, hand prints all over the TV, spilt drinks, washing strewn all over the floor and the cat making many bids for freedom after being chased by Rowan!I wouldn't have it any other way however as this means Rowan is developing well and having fun exploring his surroundings. It's just our job to keep them safe while they do this and as with most things, with experience you'll soon learn the tricks of the trade.Rowan trucky