This time last year, I think I was obsessed with strawberries, raspberries and blueberries because of the summer weather. This year though, my fruit cravings are plums, peaches and nectarines.As such, this Classic Fruit basket simply looks divine to me.Plums! Yummy yummy plums! I wonder if I could pinch one or two for lunch.... nah, just kidding, I brought my own. What would the team think of me if they caught me stealing plums meant for the customer - in this case tomorrow's birthday boy, Joseph in Clarmorris, Ireland.The colour of this basket is surprisingly orange-yellow today. Perhaps the team is trying to make up for the lack of sunshine in the sky by bringing it into the warehouse. It's certainly working! I feel a bit more energetic and cheered up already!What fruits are you guys all craving this month/week?